Nourish your Mind. How to Feed yourself Thoughts that Empower and Uplift
This in an exercise in making one small change that can lead to big results.
Do you say things like…
I’m such an idiot.
I wish I was more like (fill in the blank).
Other people can do this better than me.
I’m such a loser.
I’m so overwhelmed.
I don’t know how to get everything done.
I feel like I have no control over my life.
I wish my body was different.
Those are a few examples of the messages some people say to themselves knowingly or unknowingly. Behind all those phrases is an emotion or a frequency. Yes, thoughts have frequency, there are low vibe thoughts and high vibe thoughts and all the in between. Since we are all energetic beings, our bodies respond to the frequency behind our thoughts. It can become a closed loop – you tell yourself - I’m an idiot – your frequency lowers – when your frequency lowers it becomes easier to say and believe that you are an idiot and on and on and on. Let’s interrupt that loop today.
Learn to feed your body good-feeling thoughts. Your body will love it - with time and repetition you will change how you feel about yourself and become your biggest fan! All it takes is you consistently feeding yourself high-vibe thoughts.
What is the energy behind your thoughts? Your body responds to the energy or vibration behind your thoughts.
Step 1. Take a moment to identify a negative thing you are saying to yourself and what is the emotion behind it. For example: When you say, I’m so overwhelmed – what is the emotion behind the overwhelm? Is fear that you will disappoint yourself or others, or is it fear that you have little control over your life, or fear that you can’t pay your bills etc? It is important to take the time to get this so it feels right to you.
Step 2.
Once you identify that low-frequency phrase/emotion for yourself, take some time to find a better feeling thought or emotion.
For example, If your thought is, I’m so overwhelmed, then your better feeling thought could be: I live my life with ease and grace or I am fully present in the current moment or I choose to feel ease in my body.
If you are stuck when trying to come up with a better feeling thought, use these as guidelines or use the phrases themselves:
1. I choose to live in the light.
2. I choose to see this situation with love.
3. I choose to accept peace and ease.
4. I choose to see my strength.
5. I choose to chill out.
Step 3.
Once you have your better feeling thought/emotion, write it down where you can see it regularly. Make it a screensaver on your phone, write in on post-it notes and attach to your mirror or your car’s dashboard or your bedside table. Begin to actively change your thoughts. It helps to start to make the changes when you are not under stress. In the morning and throughout the day begin to say your phrase to yourself. That way when you are highly stressed the phrase will come easier and feel more believable to yourself and your body.
If you are stuck with this process feel free to reach out - we will figure it out together!
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